BURO Bangladesh operates its programs through 1063 branches in Countrywide. A branch is managed by one Branch Manager, one Branch Organizer, one Accountant, and 4-10 Program Organizers (POs)/Assistant Program Organizer (APOs).
To develop smooth functional mechanism for program implementation, 220 area offices have been established at field level with an Area Manager for each area office. The key responsibility of the Area Manager is to monitor, supervise and facilitate 4-6 branch offices. Area Managers are supervised by Zonal Managers. There are 28 Zones and 7 Divisional offices countrywide. One Zonal Manager supervises 4-6 Area Offices. The Zonal Managers are reporting to the Divisional Managers.One Senior Divisional Manager and 7 Divisional Managers covers BURO’s countrywide program and are accountable to the Executive Director.
Program Coordination Meeting
Regular meetings are held at different levels to see if progress is being made as per plan. Monthly coordination meeting is held at the head office. All concerned officers of the respective departments, zonal managers and area managers attend the meeting. Annual zonal meetings are held once a year with all staff in each of the zones. Also, a monthly meeting is held in a branch, which is attended by the area managers. Quarterly meeting is held at zone level with all branch managers. Annual planning workshop and other coordination meetings held as and when required.